If you are running a club or a school, you certainly looked forward to mid-July, the beginning of the summer vacation. Eventually get some rest, and start again, fresh and full of energy, in September.
But what about enrolment of new children for your club or school?
Are you ready to receive countless emails, each missing one important detail?
Or are you among those using a public web form provider, where you can export a spreadsheet file to copy/paste the records into your database?
Let us explain why by choosing to run your facility on kids.cloud can significantly improve your enrolment process.
Enrolling new children is as easy as this:
Log into kids.cloud and set up group and schedules for the next year
Open the Enrolment module
Create a new enrolment form
Save it and get a public link to your form to put on your website, share by mail or social media
Let people fill the form: Children and parents data, group selection, document upload
Check the kids.cloud enrolment listings from time to time, and validate or refuse the enrolment requests.
Creating an enrolment form, which can be done in the administator module of kids.cloud, is easy while giving you much control about where and how you let people enroll to:

This form is then immediately available under a publically reachable address (URL), ready to be shared, and it looks like this:

Information and documents:

One or more children

One or more parents


If someone completes the enrolment form, the result of this enrolment will then be visible in the administrator module of kids.cloud where you can either accept or reject it. A notification email is also sent to the kids.cloud account owner, as well as to the parents.